Monday, November 18, 2013


This New York & Company is found at North Riverside Mall.  Being honest, every New York & company I have ever walked passed at the mall NEVER brought me into the store.  This one is definitely a different story.  Eva Mendes is absolutely gorgeous and her style is playful yet sophisticated.  The enlarged photo in the center includes Eva Mendes in her line which draws my attention immediately.  Then I look at the mannequins which has two balanced on each side.  It says on the signage "Introducing Eva Mendes at New York & Company," so it is fairly new.  With her line being completely new and customers being unaware, this window captures her brand to a T.   The message is clear with the unity of color and style.  There are black and white contrasting colors making this display easy on the eye.  Altogether, I love this window and I have a new feeling towards this store!  A+

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